Something that recently dawned on me is that the main differentiating factor that make men masculine and women feminine is that we exist on different planes. Men exist on the physical plane: straightforward and logical. Women exist on a higher plane — the Spiritual plane, the Emotional plane, the Mental plane. This is why men are so physically-oriented. Men are visual beings; they like to see the physical plane because that’s what their perspective is based off of. It’s all tasks and action. When men meet up with each other, it’s centered around a task. Let’s play ball, let’s play 2K, let’s go eat.
Women, on the other hand, feel the plane we exist on, rather than seeing it. Men think about things, and that’s it. We think about things, and then we think about those thoughts, and then we think about those thoughts, and so on. Men think we overthink, and we think they are stupid.
Men aren’t stupid. They can’t be. Men built civilization.
Men are just logical.
Men’s perspectives are based on what they see — that’s all. No thoughts about thoughts. No more than basic analysis. They simply draw conclusions from events.
Women are on the other side of the same river, with men thinking that we are stupid or crazy for having our thoughts on thoughts. We focus on the little things that matter and think about the dimensions associated with them, the principles. This deeper analysis that we do often causes us to overlook things on the physical plane, things that are seemingly more obvious. Female brains just block out single-dimensional events because there’s nothing to analyze.
The ignorance of obvious events leads women to be viewed as “Ditzy.”
It’s not wrong. It’s not a bad thing. It’s simply what we call women who overlook things on the physical plane. And I am one of them.
I have frequent ditzy moments, to the point where I have grown numb to people’s condescension towards me. After questioning it and doing some deep self-reflection, I have come to the conclusion that I give people the right to consider me a Ditz. It’s unintentional and something that I don’t plan on changing because it is just an honest reflection of who I am. The amount of things I overlook on the physical plan is correlated to how connected I am to the higher plane and for that, I am grateful.