Man’s World | Woman’s Earth: The Divine Masculine
If you haven’t already, read the foundation of my philosophy here.
While women’s purpose is built-in to their bodies (in the form of their Womb), men’s isn’t; therefore, men’s purpose is based off of the standard of the woman’s purpose.
Because the ability to carry a child in your fertile womb makes women extremely vulnerable, the only way to balance this is by having men’s purpose be the opposite of vulnerable: instead of being susceptible to physical harm, men have the ability to create physical harm. This ability gives men a moral responsibility to be the protectors of society.
A man’s role in a woman’s life has three foundational purposes: to provide, protect, and guide. All of these fall under the duty of protection.
The most obvious and basic form of protection is physical. Using their size and strength, it is a man’s duty to protect those who are more vulnerable (women and children) from physical harm. Physical harm can constitute as an overt aggressor that needs to be stopped, or physical harm can constitute as a woman hurting herself carrying something heavy. Men have a moral duty to use their strength to help those who have less.
Provision is another form of protection; by providing financially or providing resources directly (ex: building a house), men protect women from physical harm that could potentially happen when she is out in the world trying to provide for herself without your protection. While men are not obligated to provide for just anyone who is more vulnerable than them, it is still a core element of masculinity to have the ability to if not provide, at least acknowledge, understand, and accept that as a man, it is your duty to provide for your family: the woman who passed down your bloodline and your bloodline itself.
Lastly, a man’s purpose is to guide his family through the Man’s World. While women often act out of alignment with their true desires in a subconscious attempt to protect themselves, it is important to have a stable, trustworthy masculine mind that is not clouded from functioning on a baseline of fear. It is crucial that as you are the protector, you are also leading your family in the right direction where you not only take on challenges in an act of protection, but also steer your family out of the way of said challenges.
Personalities will click, but the chemical reaction of attraction will not be produced if the man is not perceived as a trustworthy man to begin with. Women are attracted to all different types of men, but there is a blueprint of foundational elements that must be possessed in order for the attraction to be there: Protect, provide, and lead.
Men have the opportunity to show that they can do this on a small scale by taking women out on dates.
The man shows that he honors his role as the protector by opening doors for her, walking on the busy side of the street, driving her, and doing whatever he can to keep her out of anything potentially physically strenuous.
A man shows that he honors his role as the provider by paying for the date.
A man shows that he honors his role as the leader by planning out the date.
When a man does all of these three things, he is viewed as a trustworthy man. When a woman is able to fully trust a man, she is finally released of her baseline of fear and can detach from any masculine traits she previously had to express in order to protect herself. The woman who is able to fully exist in her feminine with certainty that she is protected against all harm is able to align with and exude Divine Feminine energy, creating a heavenly oasis within a man’s home.
The home that is created by a woman in her feminine serves as a woman’s form of protection, giving him a space to be honored, and protect and nurture his most sacred and sensitive gift: his ego.
Read next: Man’s World | Woman’s Earth: the Male Ego