Man’s World | Woman’s Earth: the Male Ego

A man’s guideline for greatness.

Z Neutral
4 min readAug 31, 2019

If you haven’t already, read the foundation of my philosophy here.

Femininity is defined by nature, so masculinity falls into everything that is opposite. As I have previously established, masculinity surrounds what is clear and straightforward with a solid beginning, middle, and end, as well as a clear purpose. Because this is the basis of masculinity, men are task oriented creatures on multiple scales.

On a small scale, men carry out physical tasks with intention, such as building and fixing things. On a larger scale, a man’s life is essentially a task: to be successful in every way and have a high quality woman Select him to pass on his bloodline prove it.

The goal-oriented mentality of man shows that their purpose is created, rather than inborn like it is for woman (the purpose of being a portal between the spiritual and physical worlds). If a man doesn’t reach his goal of being successful and admired, it feels like his purpose is unfulfilled, or more extremely, his life isn’t worth living. With creating his own purpose being a man’s main task in life, it can be stressful when it seems like this purpose will not be fulfilled. These moments of stress can also be described as moments of misalignment with his own ego.

The male ego is the version of the man who has achieved his purpose, and it is a man’s duty to learn how to align with this version of himself. Aligning with the highest version of himself is his number one goal in life, so his ego is the most sensitive part of himself. If a man’s ego is threatened, this is a moment of misalignment when he is reminded that he is not the best version of himself and therefore has not fulfilled his purpose as a man.

The male ego gets a lot of bad press because often times, acts of violence are carried out by men due to a threat to their ego. This causes people to view the male ego as a dangerous force that should be squandered.

Look around, though. Look at the amazing civilization and workforce that structure our experience. Look at how, despite not knowing where we came from or where we’re going as humans, we are still able to live an orderly life.

This order was created by the male ego.

It took men who wanted to align with their highest self to put themselves through the strenuous labor of creating order — whether that’s in establishing laws or putting buildings together.

If there was no desire from a man to protect his ego and create his own purpose, there would be no reason to put this all together. If men were not worried about evolving into a version of themselves that is validated by being recognized by high quality women with good judgement, they wouldn’t have cared to put anything together.

This is the reason why I see the male ego as a gift. Although I know quite well from experience that a man with his ego threatened is often a dangerous situation, I also know that a man who is aligned with his ego can be a hero. A man who is aligned with his ego has put himself in a position where he either already is or is becoming the highest version of himself. Given the physical capabilities of man paired with their courageous nature, men at their best are indispensable.

The difference between a man with a healthy ego and one without one is the need for external validation. A man with a healthy ego will act from his moral duty of positioning himself in accordance with the highest version of himself, whereas a man with an unhealthy ego will attempt to disguise his misalignment to others.

Women’s evolutionary ability to read the intentions of others gives them insight into where a man is misaligned, or in other words, his insecurities. This is essentially a superpower because a man’s areas of misalignment are his biggest weakness.

Women often use a man’s ego against him by attacking his insecurities. Women do this when they are angry because unlike men, they don’t have the physical capability of hurting someone when they see that it is justified, and instead channel that harm towards their emotional wellbeing.

This is the female version of physical harm done by a man. Where men have physical power, women have mental power. Women will apply the same amount of force as a physical punch into a psychological one.

While a woman’s ultimate trust in a man means that she trusts him to protect her from any and all harm, a man’s ultimate trust in a woman is to trust her to not use his ego against him.



Z Neutral
Z Neutral

Written by Z Neutral

Not an expert, just a philosopher

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