My understanding of the entire universe all boils down to one word:
Existing in the same space at the same time is an overarching dimension that the human mind is unable to comprehend. This dimension animates life, and gives meaning to thoughts, feelings, emotions, and everything else that is felt and not seen.
Everything from this dimension stems from one Ultimate Truth. The Truth acts as a tree trunk that all the branches, twigs, leaves, and sometimes fruit stem from.
Adulthood is reached when you begin to get little glimmers and signs that all that you’ve been taught is not a reflection of the Ultimate Truth, but rather an untamed ego from an unhealed childhood.
“You do not have to participate in other people’s dysfunction.” -Bri Luna
It’s hard to not view your own parents as gods — they are your Creators. To receive negative judgement from them is like a Hell sentencing from an actual Creator; however, there’s one huge difference between a human creator and an immortal one: the Human Ego.
The immortal creator has no blockage of Ego. The God creator objectively aligns with the Highest Truth because it is understood that everything has consequences. This is naturally possible for a God because consequences are only assigned value when they are filtered through the limits of human perception.
The human creator, with the best intentions of trying to raise a happy, healthy, and honorable child, will often mistake their own personal ego for the Ultimate Truth, leading to teachings that stem from insecurity, fear, and scarcity. The mortal creator does not pass judgement based on the Ultimate Truth, but rather from their own personal experiences, insecurities, and of course, their Ego.
If you’re lucky, your parents will align with the Highest Truth. Often times, they do, by raising you from a place of love and abundance.
The only way to truly know if your understanding of the world comes from the Truth or another human’s ego is by committing to aligning yourself with the Highest Truth. This means planting yourself in the same soil as the tree of truth, and growing in the same direction until you can ultimately reap the fruit that is produced.
This means removing your ego from all situations, and recognizing “bad situations” as lessons. This means being able to acknowledge when you act from a place of misalignment. This means being able to apologize. This means committing to acting in a way that you know to be Right based on your ever-expanding awareness.
“Remove yourself from the delusion of others. You do not have to acknowledge the version of yourself that exists in someone else’s mind.” — Majesty Ria
Aligning yourself with the Highest Truth is the most valuable thing you can do in your Human Experience. Because of its high value, it requires a huge cost. The process of aligning yourself with the Truth requires you to run through many fires of disapproval, disappointment, severed relationships, and most of all, Fear.
There are known to be two main driving forces in human behavior: Fear and Love; however, I’d argue that there’s only one.
In the same way that there is no cold but only lack of warmth, and no darkness but only lack of light, I think there is only Love, and lack of Love.
Love fuels Truth. Love is Truth.
Fear is just an illusion.
Fear is often perceived as a hard stop rather than an extra weight to carry. The secret is that evolution doesn’t actually require fearlessness. You are allowed to be scared of the consequences that arise after you become a step closer to true alignment, but being scared shouldn’t stop you.
When you fully align with the Truth, it’s important to understand that the chaos that follows was not created, but revealed. The “peace” was the illusion.
When you can sift through the fake truths you’ve been taught and pick up only with what is the Ultimate Truth, a consequence is a break in reality for bystanders who are misaligned. Their illusion is shattered, just like yours was. It’s up to them if they want to allow the growing pains of their expanded awareness to crush them, or if they will recognize the balance that is caused by immense pain: