The Scam of Hook-Up Culture

Z Neutral
6 min readJul 2, 2019


“DSC_0931” by Studio5Graphics

Before we established an organized economic system, goods were attained through bartering. Because there was no concrete unit to measure it, value was determined by the Receiver.

If I was making clothes out of my home, and you were making oils, we would assign different values to those two goods. I am the Source of the clothes, meaning to me, my supply of clothes is above my demand, which lowers the value I assign to them. The same applies to you with your oils.

Oils, to me, are more valuable. In order to receive the higher value item, I must give something that you assign an equally high value. To you, clothes are in higher demand than supply, making them a high value item. Now that each Receiver agrees on the equal high value assignments of the goods, we can trade.

Value, in any sense, is determined by Supply and Demand.

It is Human Instinct to trade anything on based on premises of value that are determined by the receiver on each end.

Fast forward to Western Civilization in 2019.


Slut Walk.

Hook-Up Culture.

Female Sexual Empowerment.

The normalization of turning to the Internet for validation on photos of your actual ass. The common expectance to sleep with someone on the first date.

Social Media Likes, with all the power they possess, have revealed a lot about our people. The constant, quick, intense dopamine shots that come from posting a photo on Instagram can be overwhelmingly addicting.

There’s never enough.

Receiving compliments is always nice. It feels so good to know that someone perceives you with beauty. But what happens to our tolerance for compliments when we have the power to receive hundreds at a time from everyone we know? How many do we need in order to feel validated? To accept ourselves?

Talk is cheap, as they say. Being able to receive hundreds of compliments within such a short period of time is going to have an effect on our tolerance for flattery. Chasing the instant gratification of compliments on your appearance will lead you into a trap. We have grown so accustomed to receiving immediate validation on how we look that we underestimate the satisfaction of delayed gratification, or the deeper level of compliments/flattery/affection that comes after getting to know someone.

It is evident that women’s standards have been lowered and social media has a lot to do with it. Women are being programmed by these applications to associate a huge dopamine rush with showing off their bodies. When this association is applied outside of the virtual world and into real life, there is a clear modern shift in which it’s commonly pretty easy to get a woman to sleep with you. Women have been scammed into covering up this desperate need for validation from a man as “empowering” and “sexually liberating” that they view a hook-up as an even exchange, therefore not expecting anything in return from a man who’s #1 motivation they just satisfied.

From an evolutionary standpoint, it’s in human female nature to seek security from a man. This means first being able to establish trust, which, in any species, has to be earned.

Value is determined by supply and demand, which is determined by the receiver. If women are constantly being offered sex, that defines a high supply of that good. It is not hard to convince a man to sleep with a woman.

Men are not constantly offered sex. A few lucky men will find this fact arguable. All biases aside, I think we can come to a consensus that it is easier to convince a man to sleep with a woman than it is to convince a woman to sleep with a man. Men try to convince women to sleep with them all the time through dedicating money, time, and attention to the wom(e)n of interest. Men will even lie about their intentions in order to get a woman to sleep with them. We can agree that women generally don’t have to put in the same amount of work if all they want is sexual relations. If you disagree with this premise, then the rest of this article will not be valid in your reality.

Sexual relations with a woman: Supply is lower than Demand = Receiver (man) will assign HIGH VALUE.

Sexual relations with a man: Supply is higher than Demand = Receiver (woman) will assign LOW VALUE.

Women have been duped into believing that a no-strings-attached hook-up is an even exchange. Women crave intimacy, for sure — but would you trade a golden brick for an ice cream cone just because you had a craving?

The Third Wave Feminist ideology of “My Body My Choice” encourages promiscuity among women and is logically inconsistent because it ignores female biological needs and evolutionary desires of security from a man and purely seeks to serve the male motivation of spreading their seed. It is your body and it is your choice, but that doesn’t imply that you’ll make logical choices.

Women have so much power over men. Throughout history, men have been on the frontlines of our society in the military and the workforce to protect women and children. And who was it that decided that we sacrifice our men before our women?


The mere sight of a woman’s body can make a man fumble. Every woman has experienced walking down the street and being catcalled. This experience is far too common to attribute it to just “men being bad”. The sight of a woman is a biological trigger. We literally forbid girls from showing a certain amount of thigh skin in school because of the effect is can have on their male counterparts.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Women will pick one of two ways to deal with this responsibility: Acceptance or Rejection.

Acceptance of the responsibility of your Feminine Power over men leads to modesty. Modesty is saying, I understand the effect the mere sight of my body will do to the men around me, and I will harness that power to my advantage. Making myself less accessible lowers my supply below the demand, increasing my value (reminder: Value is determined by Receiver (within their perspective)). Now, I have mens’ #1 desire and I will be able to trade it for my #1 desire, whatever that may be (evolution says: security).

Rejection of the responsibility of your Feminine Power over men is apparent in the insistence of showing your body while around men who don’t have value to offer in return. Rejecting your power won’t change the fact that you have it. Now you’re just naked around men who are driven by their biological motivation to spread their seed and you are showing them that you will satisfy their motivation without expecting anything in return. (SIDE NOTE: I am not justifying any type of sexual harassment or sexual assault. It is a true fact there is high potential for a man to interpret a woman intentionally showing skin as sexually available. This is not good, and gives them no right to pursue without consent. But it is true.)

A common pro-slut argument is “women like sex too!” Sure they do. But again, would you trade an entire gold brick for an ice cream cone just because you were in the mood for some ice cream?

Another common pro-slut argument is that women do it for themselves, not for validation from men. That’s fascinating! The things that you do for yourself — showing off your body to the world, allowing men to sleep with you without offering any value in exchange — just so happen to align exactly with what men desire on a biological level. What are the odds?

A society is only as strong as its men, and only as moral as its women.

Women control the standard that men have to live up to.

Women are the Selectors, and choose whose bloodlines will make it to the next generation.

Women have the power to turn every man into a hero by coming together and raising the bar.

We know what men want. Let’s start thinking about what we want.

Ladies, it’s time to step back into our power.

Have a blessed day.



Z Neutral
Z Neutral

Written by Z Neutral

Not an expert, just a philosopher

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