Whenever someone passes away, every memory I have of them becomes extremely vivid. I’ll suddenly remember that I had a class with them at one point, though we never spoke; maybe I’ll remember liking their outfit on a particular day, or being briefly introduced to them. Tiny moments that I probably didn’t think about for the rest of that day are brought back to the forefront of my mind.
These typically faint memories become so vivid because the value of the moment is realized. This person spent a moment of their very limited time on earth crossing paths with you. To you, they could’ve been The Drive Thru Cashier At Starbucks Who Has Cool Tattoos and to them, you are That One Girl That Comes By Daily And Always Has Her Music Blasting. Amidst both of your busy lives — your different pasts, thoughts, feelings, bodies, families, homes, dreams, worries — you aligned. Be it for a moment, there was a point in time when your whole life had led up to this interaction with this person. In the Divine Plan, moments of your precious time on Earth have been dedicated to being involved in this person’s life.
Words are powerful. Being rude to a stranger on a particular day turns you into “that rude person I bumped into” in their perspective, and that’s all that your existence means in their dimension. This is why it’s important to always be true to yourself so that you exist as much of yourself as possible in this universe. Don’t act in ways that don’t align with who you are, as every action that takes any amount of Time holds significance. As long as you act in alignment with what you believe in, every dimension you exist in will be a reflection of your true Self.