The THOT Process

How Third Wave Feminism’s promotion of Promiscuity leads women down a path of self-destruction.

Z Neutral
8 min readAug 9, 2019

In a culture where female sexuality is often commodified, it can be tempting to sexualize one’s self in an attempt to take the sacred power back.

Women are brought up in a world where the value of female nudity is reduced to a monetary price. Rather than being taught that their invaluable power lies within regardless of the world’s perception, women see their sexual value as something that can be contained in numbers.

Economically, female sexuality is the only thing that is truly priceless. Don’t believe me? Go to a strip club. Naked dancing women get money THROWN at them with no cap. Even gold and diamonds have price tags — the “price” of a woman is limitless.

Despite women’s sexuality being the most profitable commodity in our economy, it is still worth more. Giving it away for anything that can be contained in numbers is to cheapen it down to something that can be bought.

With the priceless power of femininity being cheapened for monetary profit, the sanctity seems to have gone down as a whole.

It can be easy as a woman to look around and determine the price to put on yourself. Female sexual empowerment! Being empowered is a good thing! There is nothing wrong with sleeping with all the men!

Until you actually give it up.

For some reason, women regularly feel a deep sense of guilt after a “hook-up”.

Third Wave Feminist ideology tells women to ignore this feeling. You’ve just been socialized to feel guilty, that’s all! Stay woke!

However, socialization regards our outermost self: our social self. The way we interact with others. Socialization isn’t concerned with how one feels, but only how one acts.

The way to see through socialization is by paying attention to your feelings. Typically, you know you have been socialized when you feel like you should feel a certain feeling, but you don’t.

Example: you hook up with a random stranger. If you were only socialized to be selective about your sexuality, you would think, “I should feel guilty, but I don’t.” If you actually feel guilty, the source is deeper than socialization.

After a hook-up, many women describe the post-hook-up emptiness as a feeling that something was taken from them. They gave up something so precious and got nothing in return. Third Wave Feminism teaches them that this is a good thing, simply because men are able to do it without the guilt.

Third Wave Feminist ideology of achieving Female Sexual Empowerment through promiscuity is logically inconsistent because it teaches women to devalue their sexuality down until it’s equal with male sexuality, or at least affordable to anyone with a regular income.

For many women, the guilt after a hook-up is a fork in the road. They have two ways to deal with this guilt: Rejection or Acceptance.


The road less travelled by. Acceptance of the guilt is a portal to self-discovery. Once the guilt is accepted, it can be tracked back down to it’s true source: the real value of female sexuality. The guilt is there because deep down, the woman not only knows she gave more than she received to someone who was unworthy, but she can feel it in her soul. The pain of this realization can be insufferable for many women — it is a downward-winding road on a vehicle of regret. The woman is smacked with the realization that very few things are worth trading her body for — temporary pleasure is not one of them (Life-long security? Maybe.). The realization that you’ve made a dire mistake that you can never take back just makes you feel so stupid.

When a woman accepts this guilt, she achingly rummages through all the missed red flags and wrong decisions to ensure that she NEVER makes this mistake again.


The pain of realizing you devalued your own body and spirit by sharing it with someone who was undeserving is simply unbearable for many women. Rather than accepting the guilt and using the pain as a learning tool for the future, women (with the encouragement of Toxic Third Wave Feminism) will convince themselves that the guilt is simply a result of socialization, and in order to further prove this point to themselves, they go Thot Mode. They sleep with even more undeserving men in an attempt to convince themselves that it doesn’t matter; My Body My Choice! These women cannot stand the pain of regret, and the painful rebirth that follows.

It is absolutely agonizing to point out all the red flags in retrospect. To think about how you trusted someone enough — even for a moment — to let them inside of your body. Even if it’s not your fault — even if you genuinely trusted this person and at the time thought that sleeping with them would be a good idea, the knowledge that someone had intentions of purely taking what they want from your body with no regard for your soul feels like being robbed spiritually. Some women even describe it as a spiritual death.

The trap of Third Wave Feminist Ideology — which hurts young girls the most — needs a makeover. Rather than telling women to ignore their feelings and act like men, we need to teach women that it’s natural to feel guilty after a hook-up. There is a reason for the guilt.

When your Divine Feminine Power as a Selector of Humanity has been used against you, it is natural to feel pain. It’s the highest tangible female power. This pain is a shock to the system when you are not in your place as a woman.

Men bridge the gap between women and animals

The reason why humans are viewed as superior than animals is because animals adapt to their environment while humans create their own. With opposable thumbs and advanced brains, humans can sustain life in any biome, whereas animals are subjects of their environment.

Several differences between humans and animals can be seen between men and women.


Animals have fur. Humans don’t, but men have more body hair than women.

Animals live outside. Humans don’t, but traditionally, the woman stays inside, while the man is outside during the day (working) and inside during the night.

Animals are incredibly strong. Humans aren’t as strong as animals, but men are stronger than women.

Animals don’t express a large range of emotions. Humans do, but men do so less than women.

Animals use their bodies for protection. Men use their brains to create man-made weapons. Women use their femininity to cause men to want to protect them.

Animals main goal is to survive and reproduce. Humans have more to our purpose, but men are more focused on spreading their seed than women.

Animals fight each other to death. Humans typically don’t, but men fight each other more than women.

These are only a few examples of how men bridge the gap between women and animals. This distinction is important because it shows that for women, more power resides in our minds and spirits while men’s power resides in their bodies.

Female Mental Power

Mental power is not the ability to think logically or do a math problem. It is known that men are better at this — one could even argue that because of this, men are “smarter” than women (when it comes to existing in the Man’s World, but that’s a blog post for another day).

I define mental power as being able to gain physical power without using your physical strength. In other words, it’s being able to use your feminine mind to attract a man to want to use his physical power to protect and provide for you. It’s the ability influence the mind of someone who is superior in strength.

If human mental power is what puts humans above animals, then what does that say about female mental power?

Physical power: Animals > men > women

Mental power: Women > men > animals

With great power comes great responsibility. Women having more power than men mentally means that women also have more mental responsibility.

While it’s up to our mostly male military (fully male before Toxic Feminism taught women that that was their place too, but I digress) to keep society safe (physically), it’s up to women to keep society moral (mentally).

Women are held to a higher moral standard than men, while men are held to a higher physical standard.

Men are expected to be able to lift heavy things, especially when surrounded by people who aren’t capable of that strength.

Women are expected to be able to make the moral choice, especially when surrounded by people who aren’t capable of that virtue.

Women are Higher Beings

Third Wave Feminist Ideology of “don’t teach girls to keep themselves safe; teach boys to not be dangerous!” is harmful to women because it tells them to ignore the differences between men and women; knowledge that would otherwise protect women.

Dropping the idea that men and women think the same is necessary for your safety as a women. It’s important to understand how men’s brains are wired, especially when it comes to women.

When a man wants to get a woman alone, it’s very rare that his intent isn’t sexual.

It is a woman’s responsibility to understand this and act accordingly.

One of the most painful parts of accepting the guilt & getting through the trauma of being used for your body is noticing the red flags in retrospect. Not only do you have so much pain and loss to deal with, but it also feels like you caused it.

I believe more women would experience the healing process as an awakening (of higher standards, higher awareness of red flags, higher regard of one’s own value) rather than something to run from if we lessened the stigma of calling it “preventable”.

Often times, women will unknowingly get themselves into a situation to be taken advantage of. Even if it’s not the woman’s fault at all, she still could’ve prevented it by not being in that situation at all.

This is a harsh reality. At first, it sounds like I’m defending sexual assault, but take a moment to think about it.

I’ll wait.


It’s smart to lock your car doors to prevent getting robbed. Although we can tell everyone why stealing is wrong, there will be a few who just don’t care about the moral aspect.

Same thing goes for women.

It’s smart to not get yourself into a situation where a man is able to take advantage of you. Although we can preach and teach men about why dishonestly using women only for sexual satisfaction is wrong, there will be a few who just don’t care about the moral aspect.

We want to blame the men for having such harmful intentions. We can do that and still understand how to prevent ourselves from getting into these situations. Understanding where men went wrong and where women went wrong are not mutually exclusive.

The reason why it’s a woman’s responsibility to not get herself into the situation is because we are held to a higher moral standard. We have the preventative role in the scenario because we have much more at risk. Men are biologically wired to spread their seed far and wide — rarely do they ever feel guilty after a hook-up. Women feel immensely guilty. It is our job as women to be a few steps ahead (mentally) in order to protect ourselves because once you’re (physically) alone with a man, the ball is in his court.

Ladies, just because a situation was preventable by different behavior doesn’t mean you had the tools (knowledge and experience) at the time to do so.

You can learn your lesson without blaming yourself.

Forgive yourself and use this knowledge to heal and move forward.

It is not a death, but an awakening.

Have a blessed day.



Z Neutral
Z Neutral

Written by Z Neutral

Not an expert, just a philosopher

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